Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Other Victims

My book report was on a collection of personal WWII stories of the victims of genocide by the Nazi regime. I know that it seems pretty cliche to go with the Holocaust on a WWII project, but the book was about victims other than the Jews. I think the biggest realization I had during this book was how interconnected Europe was prior to either World War. The victims in these stories often fled from country to country seeking relatives and friends in each. One vicitm had a Nazi general tell him that under different circumstances his work in physics would have been very inspiring. I think there's a huge focus on individual nations during wartime, but the book made me realize how dependent on one another they are during peacetime.


  1. Even though it may seem cliche, I think the Holocaust is used for things like this so much because there is so much you can use about that situation. You can talk about how it came to happen, the statistics of it, the general picture of what happened, or you can go more in-depth and talk about what it was actually like. I read a book about the Holocaust for my book report too; I think it's one of the most interesting topics. It's so sad and depressing though! But I think it's really important to study, and really important to emphasize over and over again. It's not something that should ever have happened, and if we don't study the past and learn from it, who's to say that something like this won't happen again?

  2. Interesting reflection- I think it is hard to truly realize how interconnected Europe is until you've been there. Have you been? It is still the same way- actually maybe more so now with the EU. But definitely an idea that is not generally discussed when talking about the two world wars- thanks for bringing it up! Great job :)
